Our Vision
The Next Digital Frontiers Are Waiting to Be Explored.
We are on the precipice of a socio-political-economic renaissance, enabled by technology, that will rewrite the very operating system of society.
1. Hyperlocalism
As a counterwave to radical centralization and runaway globalization, we value building strong, thriving and resilient communities by keeping 80% of every dollar circulating within the communities in which their value is originated. Local resilience translates to national robustness and positive interdependence.
2. Open Source Society
Bottom-up, participatory innovation will overtake and overshadow secretive, proprietary R&D. 95% of what communities need for ethical evidence-based decision support can be obtained openly, inexpensively with major decision points being championed by those who are closest to the problems.
3. Cryptonomics
Price discovery, being essential to free markets, relies on competition. We advocate competition in currencies and laws as much as in products and services. The new economy is seeing code reinforcing, and in some cases outright replacing, law. Law and code must supplement and reinforce each other in the new paradigm.
4. Inclusive Capitalism
Monopoly interests, defined by the privatization of profit and the externalization of costs to the public commons are symptoms of a greater problem known as predatory capitalism. Predatory capitalism, based on the flawed paradigm of infinite growth on a finite planet, is on it’s way out. We know there is a better way to achieve beneficial social outcomes other than growth for it’s own sake and the tireless pursuit of debt-based money which concentrates the wealth of the world into the hands of the few who operate the rigged system. That encourages innovation, property rights and upward mobility.
Successful implementation of this new model requires a New Theory of Commerce.
Personal sovereignty
Intentional communities
The Real-time economy
Non-zero sum economics
The lynchpins of the new economy must be deployed together or predatory money interests will isolate, neuter and own them wholesale.
Speed is the decisive advantage in this next economy. It’s lead from the front or get left behind with a paradigm that will become a distant memory. Theory to practice. Iterate.
In this great work we must utilize all resourcefulness.
Creativity is an infinite resource.
Providing direct support to organizations and individuals enacting the new economy.
New models for success are being test-driven by the next generation of change agents.
Raising the next generation of change agents.
We are modeling our operation off the ethos of creative generalism instead of radical specialization and responsible agents of value instead of unchecked profiteering.
We are preparing to help rewrite the operating system for the new economy our interdisciplinary team would like to invite all thinkers and doers to join us as we embark on a voyage.
Simone Lemoniere
Executive Director, Mentor
Additional Reading
We borrow from the concepts, thinking and works of these individuals and groups:
Robert David Steele
Open Source Everything
Branden Smith
Writer, Alt-Market
Michael Trout
Founder, Foundups
“The truth at any cost lowers all other costs”