You've heard of Blue Ocean Strategy but maybe you don't know how to put it to work for you. Or maybe your read the book but have yet to apply it's principals to your business. Whatever your familiarity with Blue Ocean Strategy and it's tenets, this workshop will provide you with the context and the tools to redraw the boundaries of your industry and create uncontested market space for your product or service.
“If there is one business book, besides the Sun Tsu, I recommend to all self-respecting strategists, future business titans and champions of consulting, it would be Blue Ocean Strategy.”
Blue Ocean Strategy shows it's brilliance when you take it from theory to practice, applying it's principals to create entirely new industries. Leave your competition to battle it out feature-by-feature in highly competitive "red oceans" while, like the goldfish in the illustration, you leap into an unoccupied market space.
Sound impossible? Not a chance. At this intimate workshop you will learn the secret, sometimes unwitting techniques of magnates and titans who've successfully deployed Blue Ocean concepts to redefine the competitive landscape in their markets.
Whether you're a upstart professional, serial entrepreneur, seasoned consultant or fellow marketing geek who is looking to expand your repertoire, you will gain a unbeatable business skill and competitive advantage in these changing times. You will also increase your marketing prowess by orders of magnitude. Come learn the tools to take the craft of blue ocean strategy from theory to practice in your business.
Introduction to Blue Ocean Strategy
Theory and Implications
Blue Ocean Strategies Around You
Feeling Out the Boundaries of Your Industry or Market Space
Applying the Tools In Your Business
Applications of BOS Outside of Business
Come prepared to take lots of notes
All handouts provided
A meal will be provided
A full recording of your event will be available for an additional fee.
Since this is a practical workshop, you will get the most out of the experience if you've read the book and are anxious to apply it's methods. If you have not read the book, I highly recommend you go do so.
This experience will change the way you think about competition, as it did for me. The introductory cost of the workshop is $95/person and limited to 12 people. You can sign up for 3 Blue Ocean Strategy Workshops for $150/person and save about 30%. It is a live, in-person event held at locations in Sacramento.